A new approach to elite sports training

Engaging in this approach means that you will become an athlete who embraces a new concept of performance that not only focuses on the technical, tactical, physiological and psychological aspects of training and performance, but also includes inner (or inner) growth. that will boost your performance.
It will manifest himself as the best athlete in himself, but also in his best version as a human being. The main result? Your performance will always benefit from it.

Society and elite training have already done enough damage to athletes. We all know how elite training is not “healthy”. It leaves lifelong physical and psychological injuries to many thousands if not millions of athletes – my career as an elite swimmer also shows me that every day. You, as an athlete, are under constant and continuous pressure. We all know this.
The problem is that in all those years of endless dedication, heavy pressure, disappointments, achievements, suffering, ups and downs, your body and mind continued to absorb it all.

I find a lot of fragmentation in society these days when it comes to elite training. Sports coaches, athletes, parents of athletes, doctors, etc., all have one main focus and philosophy: improving athletes' performance. And how do we measure performance? Simple answer. With numbers. We can use a time clock, scores and rankings. This is what determines who comes first. And there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, I'm pretty sure this method is pretty fair for distinguishing between performances.

However, this approach comes with a problem and therein lies the fragmentation, i.e. it only pays attention to the things we can see, test, evaluate and measure. It pays no attention to what we cannot see, taste, point to, touch or smell. Since we cannot see this reality – it is subjective – we neglect it. And if you think that the interiors “are not that important” or that “they don't exist”, you are directly neglecting your development and potential as an athlete.

How about a new way of training where you are still involved with your sport, but integrate the inner aspects of the self (your ego) into your training and competition and, as a result, maximize your performance?

Food for thought!

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